Initiatives for human resources

"Developing Human Resources to Continue to Take on the Challenges of the Next 100 Years"

"Investing in people" has a significant impact on enhancing corporate value.
While leveraging the experience and knowledge we have accumulated over 100 years, we will further promote "investing in people" by taking on the challenge of developing new training programs, systems, and work environments that are not bound by the past.
We will continue to nurture our diverse human resources to enable them to earn trust and continue to boldly take on the challenges of the "next 100 years."

Carlit Group's Human Resources Vision

Based on our management philosophy of "For Confidence and Infinite Challenge," we will continue to ensure compliance with our "Action Guidelines" and respect employees who continue to challenge themselves.

  1. We are convinced that the growth of each and every employee and exertion of their strengths as "human assets" of the Carlit Group will lead to permanent and stable Group development.
  2. We respect diversity in terms of nationality, race, gender, age, creed, etc., and emphasize mutual recognition and enhancement.
  3. We will provide opportunities for the Carlit Group's "human assets" to feel fulfilment and pride through their work, and to actively participate with vigor an enthusiasm.
Developing Human Resources to Support Value Creation

Recruitment of Future Leaders

We hire people who are flexible enough to perform a wide range of work within a small and selective group.
In this context, we also hire females and mid-career employees to support new creation with diverse values.
In addition, because our employees are able to experience a wide range of work from a young age, we have a high retention rate after three years of service.

FY2023 Results

Carlit Co., Ltd. Results

Developing Human Capital to Support Value Creation

We are convinced that the growth of each and every employee who are the most valuable assets of the Group and exertion of their strengths as "human assets" will lead to the permanent and stable development of the Group.
To develop human resources who will become future leaders, we are striving to enhance our education framework and training programs that all Group companies can implement across the board.
We offer position-specific training for new employees to management positions, and other general training such as financial training, language training, and presentation training.
Because our employees are able to experience a wide range of work from a young age, we have a high retention rate after three years of service.
In recent years, we have focused on the development of executive candidates and enhancing our training programs.
We mplemented a Leadership Development Program for managers in FY2023.
We will continue to enrich these training programs.
We also encourage self-development and cover all course fees for correspondence education and e-learning programs upon successful completion.
Furthermore, we have established a qualification acquisition bonus system to encourage the acquisition of qualifications.

Carlit Group Training System | Training by Position

General training(annual group open training that focuses on what employees want to learn each year)

Financial training Learn the basics of accounting knowledge for beginners and understand the business environment of the Company.
Presentation training Understand the essence of presentations and learn to improve communication skills to engage others.
English language training Explanation of self-development methods for learning English and practical exercises to learn how to structure a business presentation in English.

Self-development support

Correspondence education All 99 courses are available. Monthly application is available, and upon completion of the course, all course fees are covered by the Company.
Management school open enrollment program Attend outside management school to learn logical thinking, business strategy and marketing.
FY2023 Results

Leveraging Human Capital

Women's participation

Our Group is primarily a manufacturing company, and we recognize that we have lagged behind with regard to women's participation in the workforce due to past tendencies to recruit mainly male employees.
We believe that a diverse workforce, regardless of gender, will lead to the further growth of our Group, and are actively recruiting women, training core female human resources, and promoting women to management positions.
In FY2023, the ratio of female managers was 2.6%, and the ratio of female candidates for managerial positions (assistant manager and senior manager class) was 15.5%.
We will continue to promote participation by women and foster female employees who will be involved in management decision-making in the future.

Target percentage of female managers*

*This table can be scrolled horizontally.

FY2022 Results FY2023 Results FY2024 target FY2026 target
Percentage of female managers 1.7% 2.6% 3.0% 5.0%
Percentage of female managerial candidates 14.8% 15.5% 16.0% 18.0%

Results of Carlit Co., Ltd.

Placing the right people in the right and rewarding position

Once a year, employees in general and supervisory positions have the opportunity to report their positions, abilities, and future career prospects to their superiors.
In addition, employees meet regularly with the Human Resources Department.
By encouraging employees to think about and communicate the challenges they want to take on and their future careers, we are working to ascertain job satisfaction levels and place the right people in the right positions so that they can better demonstrate their abilities and strengths.

Diversity & inclusion

"Diversity" in human resources is essential for organizational and corporate growth. Our Group has been actively engaged in M&A's for approximately 10 years.
This has brought in many people with different experiences, knowledge, and identities, and we have also been actively recruiting mid-career employees and international students.
As for foreign nationality human resources, we have hired a cumulative total of six new graduates by fiscal 2023.
Also, in FY2023, we opened a massage room and hired a person with visual impairment as a new approach to employing people with disabilities.
She is now working as a shiatsu massage therapist.
We believe that the stimulation experienced by new human resources will spread throughout the Group as a "positive influence" through various interactions such as personnel transfers across the Group, educational training, and exchange events, and that the spread of this "positive influence" will lead to the growth of human resources to drive "innovation".
In order for the Company to accelerate its expansion into overseas markets in the future, it will be important for employees to gain a better understanding of others with different experiences, cultures, and ideologies.
We will continue working to foster a corporate culture that respects diversity, and grow into a Company that is even more "capable of taking on and continue to take on new challenges".

Creating a Pleasant Work Environment

Engagement survey

In order to provide employees with a better environment and enable them to maximize their capabilities, we launched an engagement survey in FY2022 to assess satisfaction levels and areas for improvement.
Based on last fiscal year's survey results, which highlighted the need for improved benefits and better management ability among managers, we increased allowances as well as introduced 360-degree evaluations and assessor training for managers.
We will continue to enhance employee engagement through improvement activities based on the regular implementation of surveys and assessing their effectiveness, which will lead to the permanent development of our Group and improvement of employee performance through higher labor productivity and performance as well as lower turnover and higher recruitment rates.

Childcare leave taken by male employees

FY2023 Results
*Results of Carlit Co., Ltd.

With the establishment of childcare leave at birth in FY2022, we are also promoting the use of childcare leave by employees regardless of gender by providing training on childcare leave for managers and other measures.
To make it easier for male employees to take childcare leave, we treat paternity leave as paid leave, and in FY2023 the rate of male employees taking two weeks or more of childcare leave reached 100%, matching the rate for female employees.
Last fiscal year, we also extended the period during which employees can work reduced hours until their children reach fourth grade in elementary school.
We will continue to respect the diverse work styles of our employees and strive to create a thriving work environment.

Benefit-Type Scholarship Program

The purpose of this scholarship program is to provide financial aid to students that have the motivation and ability but face difficulty in attending school due to financial reasons, thus helping them move to higher education or the next grade and focus on their studies.
Applications for fiscal 2025 are scheduled to start in February 2025.

Scholarship application guidelines for fiscal 2025

  1. Applicants must be Japanese students that are recognized as fitting the purpose of this program.
  2. Applicants must be students that are candidates for enrollment into a four-year university (second-year or higher undergraduate students) or graduate school in Japan as of April 2025.
  3. Applicants must have excellent grades or number of credits gained.
  4. Applicants' annual household income must not have exceeded 7 million yen in 2024 (excluding mature students).
  5. Possible to receive in addition to other scholarships.
  6. Each applicant is only eligible to receive this scholarship once (two-year period).
Stipend 30,000 yen per month
Duration Up to two years
Number of recipients Up to five people
How to apply Send the application form, certificate of enrollment, academic transcript from the first year of university, and a written essay to the Scholarship Office via mail. Application documents will not be returned.
*The deadline for submission of application materials is scheduled for early May. We will inform you as soon as it is decided.
The theme of the essay is "How do you want to apply what you are currently learning to society?" (can be written in any format).
Click here(Written in Japanese) to download the application form.
(Scholarship Office) 1-17-10, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan
Scholarship Office, Personnel Division, Carlit Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-6893-7071
Selection process and notification of acceptance/rejection The Scholarship Office screens the submitted documents, comprehensively evaluating each applicant's academic achievements, household finances, and written essay, etc. Applicants that pass the screening stage will go on to be interviewed at the Tokyo head office (round-trip transportation expenses covered).
Students that are selected to receive the scholarship will be asked to submit the necessary documents, such as the scholarship application form and proof of the previous year's income for their parent/guardian (a copy of their withholding tax statement for fiscal 2023, etc.).
Handling of personal information Personal information obtained through the application process will be handled only to the extent necessary to provide information related to the scholarship program. Individual names will not be disclosed to the public.

Initiatives for Health Management

Health Management Declaration

On August 1, 2022, Representative Director and President & CEO, Hirofumi Kaneko announced our "Health Management Declaration" in order to strengthen our "health management" initiatives, in which the company supports employees and their families in maintaining good health, with the aim of improving productivity by ensuring that employees and their families are healthy and in good spirits.

Based on the Group's management philosophy of "Earning Trust and Tackling Countless Challenges," Carlit is striving to achieve sustainable and stable growth. We believe that the physical and mental health of employees, our human resources, is the foundation for this sustainable and stable growth. Carlit pledges to promote health management to further improve the physical and mental health of our employees.

Hirofumi Kaneko, Representative Director and President & CEO

Health management organization system

The Representative Director and President of Carlit has been designated as the "Health Management Officer," the officer in charge of human resources is designated as the "Health Management Promotion Manager," and the Human Resources Department is designated as the "Health Management Promotion Department," and we will work to promote health management by sharing information and exchanging opinions with the Carlit Health Insurance Association, industrial physicians at Group companies, general affairs and human resources related divisions, the health committee, and labor unions.

Health management strategy

In order to achieve stable growth of the Group, we aim to improve employee productivity by promoting health management to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of our employees, increase their engagement, and optimize their working hours.

Health management strategy map-Indicators and investment measures related to key issues.

In addition to continuing our past efforts, we will further strengthen our support for health through health promotion events. In particular, the Group is expanding its health promotion applications, smoking cessation support, and other initiatives to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, given that a high percentage of its employees are over 40 years of age.

  • Recommendation of health checkups for employees and their families,
  • Specific health guidance
  • Subsidies for medical checkups, and subsidies for brain checkups at age 50, 55, and 60
  • Subsidies for influenza vaccination
  • Distribution of household medication, establishment of a health consultation helpline, and provision of health-related information
  • Encouragement of sports
  • Health promotion apps
  • Quit smoking support

Health Management Strategy Map(Japanese Only)Indicators related to the Group's health management issues(Japanese Only)