Sustainability Management

Basic Policy for Sustainability

Through manufacturing and the provision of services under our management philosophy "For Confidence and Infinite Challenges", the Carlit Group intends to contribute to the resolution of social issues with the aim of realizing a sustainable society.

Sustainability Promotion Framework

To achieve sustainability, it is essential to pursue the creation of social value while also striving for growth.
We aim to be a company trusted by society by realizing "profitable growth" and "ESG" toward the realization of a sustainable society.

Promotion Framework

We have established a Sustainability Committee under the supervision of the Board of Directors, chaired by the Representative Director and President & CEO ("Representative Director and President") and composed of all Directors and Executive Officers as well as Full-Time Audit & Supervisory Board Members, to promote sustainability initiatives.
This Committee reviews and formulates policies, strategies, plans, and measures in relation to sustainability, identifies issues facing each Group company, and clarifies measures to strengthen and improve them.
The Sustainability Group of the Corporate Planning Department serves as the secretariat, and deliberations are reported to the Group Management Strategy Meeting, the Management Meeting, and the Board of Directors as appropriate.
In addition, the Governance Committee, Compliance Committee, and Group Risk Management Committee are working together to strengthen efforts to further promote sustainability.
We have also appointed CSR promotion officers throughout the entire Group, and regularly hold CSR Promotion Officers Meetings. In these meetings, we share information, including the identification of issues at each company, such as those related to climate change, and the reports on the status of activities. The outcomes of both meetings are reported to the Sustainability Committee, and we are dedicated to strengthening and promoting our collective efforts as a group toward realizing a sustainable society.

Promotional measures

We will focus on further promoting dialogue and enriching the content of the Carlit Report, an integrated report that serves as a communication tool, so that shareholders and other stakeholders can gain a deeper understanding of the Group's sustainability initiatives.
We also consider it important for employees to understand the policy and approach for our sustainability activities. We promote awareness by conducting promotion training at all Group companies, including overseas locations, distributing guidance videos to all employees, and regularly publishing sustainability-related information in the company newsletter. Through these measures, we aim to instill a sense of commitment toward sustainability in all employees.

Promotion system diagram

CSR Basic Policy

Under our corporate principles of "For Confidence and Infinite Challenge," our group aims to realize a sustainable society and increase corporate value by placing the highest priority on securing the trust of all stakeholders, while fulfilling our social responsibility by proactively engaging in the following CSR activities.

Human Rights, Human Capital, and Work Environment

We regard human resources, the greatest resources of our group, as "human capital." We respect the human rights and diversity of our employees and create a system that encourages their growth, as well as a comfortable and pleasant work environment.

Information Disclosure

We seek to enhance corporate value by providing timely, accurate, and fair information and promoting active and constructive dialogue.

Corporate Governance

We will establish an appropriate corporate governance system, and under the leadership of senior management, strive to ensure compliance with corporate ethics, laws, and regulations.

Risk Management

We strive to minimize the impact on business continuity and management by taking appropriate measures to reduce the impact and likelihood of occurrence of various risk events surrounding each business.


We aim to continue to develop as a trusted corporate group by ensuring that All personnel is fully committed to compliance and resolutely engages in daily operations with high ethical standards.

Environmental Conservation

We respect the natural environment and promote business activities with minimal environmental impact.

Safety Measures

We ensure the safety of our employees and the local community by aiming for zero accidents and zero occupational injury. We will also identify risks that threaten the continuation of production activities and the maintenance of product quality, and implement countermeasures and management of such risks.

Quality Assurance

We will actively promote quality improvement activities to earn the trust and satisfaction of our customers.

Contribution to Local Communities

For the sustainable development of local communities, we promote social contribution activities based in local.

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Initiatives

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015 and described in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as universal goals for a sustainable and better world by 2030.
Composed of 17 goals and 169 targets, it vows to "leave no one behind".
We will contribute to the achievement of SDGs and the realization of a sustainable society through our materiality initiatives in order to realize our vision.
